Тендер за експерти во рамки на проектот Простори на културата за сите – УНЕСКО

invitation to tender ref Cultural Spaces for All no. 09-1815-1


b8o5_itt_simp_neg_en (1) all lots

b8d_annexigc_en general conditions

b8f_annexiitorglobal_en LOT 4 Arranging spaces expert (activity 2.3)

b8f_annexiitorglobal_en LOT 1 and LOT2 Visual arts Expert -01 and 02 (activity 1.1)

b8f_annexiitorglobal_en LOT 3 Design Expert (activity 1.2)

b8g_annexiiiom_en_ Methodology and Organization

b8h_annexivexperts_en Key Experts, CV, experience

b8i1_annexvbudgetglobal_en Budget

b8o2_contract_simp_en LOT1 Visual art Expert -01 (activity 1.1.)

b8o2_contract_simp_en LOT2 Visual art Expert -02 (activity 1.1.)

b8o2_contract_simp_en LOT3 Design Expert (activity 1.2)

b8o2_contract_simp_en LOT4 Arranging spaces expert

b8j1_annexvifif_en FIF

b8j3_annexvilefind_en LEF natural persons

b8j4_annexvilefcompany_en LEF company

b8j5_annexvilefpublic_en lEF public



a14a_declaration_honour_procurement_en (2)


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